By the Bridge

The Swantons of County Cork,
Boston, MA and Brooklyn, NY

by Ginni Swanton

George Swanton and Ellen Burke
George Swanton and Ellen Burke
George Swanton and Ellen Burke

George Swanton married Ellen Burke and they had the following children:

Denis Swanton died on May 12, 1946 at the age of 16 of asphyxiation caused by drowning in the Bandon River at Ballineen. His death record states that this drowning was accidental. A post-mortem was held on June 1,1946. Dennis was a box-maker.

In 1956, George and Ellen Swanton purchased a farm (plot #4) in the townland of Moneygaff East, Coppeen in the parish of Kinneigh from Jack Brennan. In 1969, the Swantons also took over the Sullivan’s farm (plot #5).

Next: John Swanton and Bridget Mahony

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